Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I got the tranny disconnected and started to lift but the engine is stuck. There's not enough room. Not sure what to do next.

Here's a nice pic of a friend of Sam's who came over to check things out.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lift-off (out) postponed

I thought the engine/tranny was connected to the frame with three engine mounts, two bolts on the side and one connection in front. After removing these three connections I started to lift. Something didn't feel right. I looked under the car (again) and noticed that the tranny seems connected to the underside.

Thanks to a post on a VWvortex forum, I now know that I need to remove 2 bolt connecting the tranny to the floor plan. Maybe tommorow.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

10-9-8...3-2-1 Lift off (almost)

We (Stu and I) disconnected the axle from the outer CV joint (basically disconnected the axle from the wheel). The only thing left connecting the engine to the car were the engine bolts . We connected the lift, removed the engine bolts (holding the engine from the frame) and started to lift. The passenger side started coming up higher than the driver which didn't seem right. Also the intake manifold hit the frame. We ran out of time. But at least we're doing something interesting.